Monday, February 24, 2025

Garden Campaigns - update - proof reading and contents

  Things continue to move forward with the Garden Campaigns, and the proof reading is nearly 50% completed.

The new edition aims to recreate HG's amplifications at the end of Little Wars, and it is also a homage to William le Queux's 'The Invasion of 1910.'  This is a remarkably Little Wars type of book!


  1. I eagerly await it, and I always find your books interesting. James

  2. Excellent news, looking forward to this very much.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. I have all your previous publications. Is the new Garden Campaigns book completely different to the old one? I hope you keep making publications. I'd look forward to any about earlier periods, like ancient, medieval and Napoleonic and even Steam Punk as well. A report on your Chesney based game would also be interesting.

  4. Paul,

    This is wonderful news!mi look forward to buy8ng a copy when it is published.

    All the best,


  5. Thank you all - and much appreciated! This is very much a new book and it takes HG's ideas for Kriegspiel (his spelling!) and puts them into the FLW system. It also picks up some of the ideas from Little Campaigns, but in a more concise way.

  6. And other works in the early stages are a Boer War book, and a Franco Prussian book - smaller campaign guides for toy soldier gamers. The Napoleonic book also ticks over ...
