Sunday, August 28, 2022

Verdun - phase 2 - Bombardment



Having secured control of skies, and recce'd the Horizon Blue positions it was time to launch the bombardment.  An impressive array of heavy artillery was deployed, with field artillery closer to the front.

The new rules for 'box barrages' were being used - in which the attacker has a number of rounds to fire into a designated box.  The two areas were marked out with German flags - and the fring commenced.

The bombardment was fired at the woods and the fort.

A mixture of HE and Gas was fired - the gas being simulated by the green clouds.

The French gun line is pictured above - with a field telephone line running through.

The fort, being isolated sent a pigeon!  The pigeon rules allow for a pigeon model to be flown ...

The pigeon did eventually reach HQ, but not until after the attack had been launched ...


  1. I love the purple in the camo. Is that historical? I know they sometimes used relatively bright colors. Also the purple on the German plane looks good.
    Are the armies currently concealed?
    The pigeon is a big blighter!

  2. Thanks James - I think it is - the Germans all came from Tim's collection. I provided the French. The attackers and defenders were considered hidden ubless spotted by aero or balloon.

  3. I think there is some evidence for purple in the German camo. More importantly, I like it and so do you guys!
